Monday, September 1, 2008

Letter sent to Canadian PM Stephen Harper by Tamils For Justice Attorney Bruce Fein in June:

June 5, 2008
The Right Honorable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I am Bruce Fein, former associate deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan and author of the forthcoming book Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for the Constitution and Democracy to be published by Palsgraf. I am writing to alert you to my impending June 17-June 22 visit to Toronto on behalf of Tamils for Justice, a United States organization with the ultimate objective of a free and fair referendum on Tamil statehood organized and conducted under the aegis of the United Nations. Contrary to some reckless detractors, Tamils for Justice neither receives nor gives funds or material assistance to the LTTE. It neither gives nor receives instructions from the LTTE. It does not represent LTTE. Tamils for Justice is financially and otherwise independent of any other organization and features a transparent agenda publicized to the entire world at It employs strictly legal avenues to seek redress of Tamil grievances.
The Tamils For Justice Bruce Fein Project features three objectives. The first is securing a free and fair referendum on Tamil statehood comparable to the twin referenda in Quebec on statehood. The major difference is that Tamils are suffering grisly persecution indistinguishable from Milosevic’s crimes against Kosovar Albanians under the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act. It and sister laws and practices make peaceful protest of Tamil grievances criminal. During the past 30 months in Sri Lanka, the Act has yielded one disappearance every five hours, 6,000 deaths, tens of thousands injured, and hundreds of thousands displaced. The Government of Sri Lanka has renounced the 2002 Cease Fire Agreement, and celebrated a military solution as the Final Solution to the so-called Tamil problem.
The second objective is the bringing to justice in United States courts of two brothers of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and General Fonseka. One brother is a United States citizen. The other brother and General Fonseka are resident aliens. The three are reasonably suspected of complicity in torture, kidnappings, and extrajudicial killings.
The third objective is to challenge the listing of the LTTE under United States law as a foreign terrorist organization because one of the statutory criteria is not satisfied: namely, creating a threat to the national security of the United States.
I will be appearing on Canadian television and radio and making presentations to largely Tamil audiences.
I have written this letter in the interests of transparency and to dispel any misapprehensions that funds or other assistance will be raised to support the LTTE.
If you or your subordinates have any questions about Tamils for Justice either before, during, or after my Toronto visit you may communicate with me either by calling 703-963-4968 or by email at
Bruce Fein
Tamils for Justice

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