Sunday, March 22, 2009

Response to Sri Lanka's Consul General in Toronto :

Very Disturbing

The Consul General has gone beyond his credentials.

It’s very disturbing that a foreigner, enjoying diplomatic status and immunity, living in Canada under its good will has the audacity to insult Canada and Canadian institutions including law makers, law enforcement authorities and the Canadian government, let alone call us “false Canadians”, Terrorists - criminals - killers, gangsters, thieves and druggies.

All this for merely exercising our right to protest, in utter desperation, against his country’s systematic genocide of our kith and kin and near and dear ones.

It’s the likes of him who have and are still managing to influence government decisions here in this country.

This is a serious violation and in my view grounds for immediate expulsion.

Sadly that will not happen! He would be free to continue spreading his gospel.

Where as “we” would be treated with suspicion and labeled as terrorists with law makers not permitted to be anywhere near us or show support or even compassion for the plight of our people and castigated for the sole reason that we wish to hold a flag that symbolizes nationhood and freedom for the long suffering people in our homeland.

Did some one say life is unfair!

Usha SrisKanda Rajah


War Zone Toronto


What do you expect two hundred and twenty six gangs and members of banned terrorist groups to do? Kill, kill randomly, harm innocent people, steal, extort money from innocent people and make a city a war zone. That is exactly what is happening here in Toronto. With 226 gangs operating in the city and members of banned terrorist groups such as the LTTE, better known here as the Tamil Tigers roaming the city and openly hero worshipping suicide terrorist cadres who kill innocent Sri Lankans back home. Tragic isn’t it?

Reports say that the Canadian government is going to amend the criminal code to target organized crime, illicit drugs since a consensus is developing that the country should be tougher. Everyday we hear of innocent people getting killed for no fault of their own. Even children and women. These random killings are the worst and law enforcement authorities have not had much success in bringing them to justice and very soon Canada will have a funeral TV too. The Government had given the licence to operate a Funeral TV here.

Many innocent Sri Lankan Tamils don’t feel safer here either. A Sri Lankan Tamil office worker said that her parents living in Colombo were much safer than her family living in Toronto. It is heartening to hear it when interested parties have grouped together to slam Sri Lanka without cleaning their backyards. What else do you expect in Toronto with over 105 nationalities living in the City? They all want to have their own and be their own. I don’t think it is possible unless they become Canadians, not just namesakes but real ones.

Though the real Canadians are known to be peaceful, these false Canadians have disrupted the peace here with their own agendas and terrorist activities. You only have to read the book ‘Cold Terror’ – How Canada has become a haven for foreign terrorist groups, written by acclaimed Journalist Stewart Bell of the National Post. Today, India boasts of a Great Prime Minister and Indian Sikh, a Sikh Army Commander and more. There is no cry for an Independent Sikh state in India or burning of the Indian flag. But, the cry is here and the Indian flag is insulted, burned far away in Toronto. Terrorists are almost defeated in Sri Lanka but LTTE terrorism continues right here in Toronto. It will never end here and the law enforcement authorities are getting worried.

No wonder one democratic Sri Lankan Tamil/Canadian told a Canadian minister, “Sir, I have lost the first five years of my seven years here because of the harassment I am faced right here in Toronto. I am a Canadian citizen but, I live in fear. I am thankful to Prime Minister Stephen Harper for banning the LTTE as a terrorist organization in Canada. If I meet him, I will not shake his hand but, will kiss his feet.” It is the Conservative Government which banned both the LTTE and the World Tamil Movement as terrorist organizations in Canada.

This is the situation here. Everyone is getting worried. Who said Canada or let me say Toronto is peaceful? But, it is also good to find out who broke the peace here? A white Canadian who works at the same building the Consulate is situated said, “It looks like all the troublemakers from your country are here. Think I should go to Sri Lanka now for a holiday” He said it having got fed up of continuous protests by the LTTE in Canada.

As for the title of this week’s Toronto Diary, War zone Toronto it is not given by the writer. It was said by a Liberal MP from Vancouver, Canada. But, the biggest tragedy is it is the lawmakers here who had contributed in making Toronto a war zone. Some still do and they try to poke their noses, fingers and legs into Sri Lanka whilst living thousands of miles away in Toronto. I don’t see these opposition lawmakers speaking on behalf of their people here or trying to solve their day to day problems. Instead they are trying to ‘solve’ the ‘problems’ in Sri Lanka. I am puzzled at times and wonder if these people represent Sri Lanka or Canada. I seriously think that they should be sent to Sri Lanka to represent Canada in Sri Lanka and send the Sri Lankan lawmakers to Canada to represent Sri Lanka in Canada. One must be here to see how hard some of them ‘work’ to ‘help’ Sri Lanka for the sake of a few more votes. Whilst living in the war zone Toronto, they want to offer humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka, help harvest paddy fields, build canals, climb trees, paint buildings, provide clothes and even read from story books ( must be some fairy tails, striped ones at that) to Sri Lankans. Ah! They continue to issue statement after statement, present petition after petition and use Canadian taxpayers money to ‘speak’ on Sri Lanka whilst poor Canadians are losing jobs daily and undergoing difficulties. That is how much they love Sri Lanka.

When all this is happening, the policemen and women are getting worried. They need to fight terrorism imported by other countries. Well canned, tightly packed with AK 47’s, cyanide capsules mixed with hatred and toped not with icing but crispy and crunchy dollars.

It is war zone Toronto. Those who live in glass houses must not..... (You fill the blanks)

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