Sunday, March 15, 2009

Close your eyes: An Open letter to Badula Jayaserkara- Roy Ratnavel A Canadian Tamil for Justice

Close your eyes: An Open letter to Badula Jayaserkara
by Roy Ratnavel
Sunday, March 15, 2009

The United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner recently stated, at least 2,800 Tamils were killed by the war conducted by Sri Lanka within past few weeks alone. Amidst all this deaths of our innocent kith and kin, there is a ghost who keeps talking to the collective Tamil conscience through the mouth of Bandula Jayasekara [Open your eyes, Daily Mirror, March 12, 2009]. This ghost of brutal ethnic past casts a long shadow, even across many oceans and mountains, all the way from Sri Lanka to the cheerful streets of Canada.

Mr. Jayasekara you have rather pompously requested us Tamils to “Open our eyes,” challenged us, and asked the silly question: “Do you have to live in chains here in Toronto?” You accused us of being part of a political witch-hunt, and declared yourself as someone innocent of the charge. It would be easier to sympathize with you had you not been so ready to join in your earlier campaigns of vilification against your so-called fellow ‘countrymen’. As such, I am compelled to respond to your drivel, on behalf of like minded Tamils in Canada, and wanted to point out areas where you were – let's be charitable and say “brain-dead.”

It is unconscionable to see such paid obtuse peon like you who continues to pontificate with empty lines and catch phrases when scores of innocent Tamils are brutally killed everyday by the very regime you represent. You are a sad little charlatan who proves only one thing – that is, you can get away with saying the most extraordinary statements against a persecuted minority and bend the truth in this country if you will just get yourself called ‘Consul General.’ I mean, who would, even at Daily Mirror, have invited on such a little toad like you to tell us that the attacks on Tamils are kind of justification to eradicate terrorism. This is the pinnacle of Sri Lankan fakery and deceit laced with quintessential extreme umbrage.

Despite the barnacles of cynicism, which resolutely encrust my hull, your pungent comments seem to belong under the jeopardy heading “Things which no longer have any relevance whatsoever?” With do all respect, it sounded like it was written by someone whose intelligent level equals that of Sean Penn's character in "I Am Sam" after inhaling paint fumes – as such, doesn’t pass for an intelligent debate. But congratulations, unlike your previous disasters, this time at least you have remembered to run a spell-check on it before releasing it – remarkable indeed.

You carry on your racial tradition of condescension and sarcasm on Tamils to the extreme. It is a gibe, Mr. Jeyasekara, not a comment. You know what a gibe is, don't you, Bandula? Now, I know that standards have slipped in the last few decades in Colombo, but for someone who lived here in Canada for a short while, you are remarkably cavalier about what Tamils here are thinking. The Sinhala-con websites and newspapers in which you're such a hero, Bandula, were all absolutely cock-a-hoop at the publication of the Daily Mirror, but were all absolutely convinced of the your stupidity and their inability to see the problem.

However, we are grateful to you for refreshing all our memories about exactly how clueless and a clown you can be. In your comments you insinuate of having no bias against Tamils, but you also state that "It is sad to see how many of your children are misled and brainwashed.” A cursory examination of this lofty formulation reveals that; whoever makes such preposterous statement at a grave time like this by definition an ignorant, moronic, semi-literate unperson. Let me give you a hint, if you want to win an argument, you could begin by learning how to write. It’s not what you say, rather how you say it. It's true I just call you a semi-literate, which I thought pretty mild in the circumstances.

As life in the Sri Lankan South swirls at ever-increasing speed of hysteria, there are Sinhalese like you who feel the need to enlist us Tamils in a cult whose doctrine consists of your own racial beliefs. Well, we Tamils subscribe to the theory of the cult of “one,” the cult of “individual freedom.” That way if we lemming off the cliff, we follow our own nose not the rear end of another lemming.

One of the most serious of the mistakes you have made in your set of arguments, to be frank, such a schoolboy howler as to make a fool of the efforts that you have made. You assert in your comment, to our amazement, that “I know that most of you are not allowed to move freely and even talk to members of other communities even here in Toronto.” Well we have one advice for you, you fool your friends, and we will fool ours. Is that fair?

Having said that, we like to know what premium stuff you have been smoking. We mean this stuff must turnoff your brain, given your statement. For us, given all that death and destruction your government inflicted on our people and the pain that they are going through – we can’t stand it. We are sleepless, we worry too much. Those horrific images keep us up at night. We need something to turnoff our brains, but only for a short time, not for a longtime like in your case. Because every time we doze, our people catch blows to their nose inflicted by your government.

If the world had listened to us Tamils, whose dismissal you demanded, if the world had listened to Bishop Desmond Tutu and former President Jimmy Carter both whom you want to paint as some kind of corrupt terrorists, if the world had listened to them and not the anti-terror movement in Sri Lanka, you would not be in this disaster that you are in today. Bandula, this is the mother of all smokescreens. You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, by supporting Sri Lankan atrocities on Tamils.

It is clear to us now that once venerable profession of diplomat is now taken over by pack of grotesquely rapacious propaganda pimps like you in the interest of filling your own pockets than speaking the truth. Of course prostitutes will never criticize pimps because they derive their income from them.

I want to put this in the context where I believe it ought to be. On the very first paragraph of your document about us you assert that “Do you listen to your heartbeat, the pulse of the people or the barrel of hidden guns pointed at your head?” This is false. We had no guns pointed on our head, at least since the time we left Sri Lanka. Now you are killing our people in Eelam at will. By no stretch of the English language can that be, as you described it as "The time has come and we all can hear the bells of freedom.”

We gave our heart and soul to oppose the policy that you promoted. We gave our sweat equity to try to stop the mass killing of Tamils by your government under the guise of ‘war on terror.’ This war has killed many thousands, most of them children, most of them died before they even knew that they were Tamils, but they died for no other reason other than that they were Tamils with the misfortune to born at that time. We gave our heart and soul to stop you from committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Eelam. And, we told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies and based on deception.

We told the world, contrary to your claims; safe zones are anything but safe. We told the world, contrary to your claims, that Sri Lanka had no constitution to protect Tamils. We told the world, contrary to your claims, that Sri Lanka is a murderous, scurrilous state. We told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Tamils would resist a Sri Lankan invasion of their land and that the fall of Sri Lanka would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.

Yeah, in your words “Let us look ahead.” So, let us move ahead. When it's all over, and you're packing up your bags and heading back to Sri Lanka, what will be your biggest regret? Not being able to see anymore of the sights of abused innocent Tamils in the North? Presence of your horrible little personality in democratic Canada is offensive to very, very many of us who have some regard for truth, morality, and justice. A person like you – in our opinion – should not be writing to newspapers in self-righteous indignation – instead, should be out in the streets of Colombo, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign around your neck and selling newspaper from a stand. And, the day will come. We will make sure of that.

Let me ask you this: If someone was planning to murder a group of people, and they called you to help them do this, and you said no you wouldn't directly help them – but then made statements to hide this crime, and you also didn’t call 911 to inform the police that someone was going to commit a crime, do you think you would have committed a crime? Of course you would have!

I am sure; you are familiar with Adolf Eichmann. Let us refresh your memory. Eichmann did not have his hands directly in the killing of the Jews, but he ensured the smooth running of the efficient killing infrastructure that enabled the Nazi genocide. Adolf Eichmann is as guilty as Adolf Hitler. Bandula, you have Tamils’ blood on your hands. This feeling is definitely widely shared by Tamils in Canada.

We gather from your comments that you don’t get out much. Probably never once even visited IKEA in Toronto? But, you managed to manipulate your way to Canadian government with money from Sri Lankan government that committed genocide in recent history. We get the feeling when you are put away for crimes against humanity, you won't miss much by not spending an entire Saturday afternoon assembling a Swedish bookcase.

The country behind you said you were fighting ‘terrorism.’ In fact, all the while, the real fight you are conducting was the fight against the Tamils, to see how fast you could eliminate Tamils from Sri Lanka. We got news for you Bandula, Sri Lanka is an evil state, and you know it. You, by design or negligence, allowed this to happen – and it is time for you to resign. The cock has crowed for the last time. At the very least, your mother deserves better.

Your vitriol comment is a brief and by no means complete description of how Sinhalese think about Tamil legitimacy in Sri Lanka. If you find it congenial with your action, that is great. If you don't, or you are uncomfortable with it, or it does not fit your moral compass, then you probably should not be taking this course of action.

We would love nothing better than to live in peace and harmony while sharing the once beautiful and tranquil nation called Sri Lanka with our Sinhalease brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, when we are threatened and abused then it is often difficult for us to entertain such option. Our goal is not to destruct Sri Lanka, rather to construct a territory that has the potential to yield freedom and democracy for Tamils and the generations to come. Until we achieve that goal, we will be marching on a path towards that goal, whether you agree or not.

There is no law in life or nature that says great stupidity like yours tolerated with impunity. Having said all that, Mr. Jeyasekara, you are probably wondering what we think of you? Allow us to demonstrate – please close your eyes, now what do you see? Nothing!


Roy Ratnavel
A Canadian Tamil for Justice

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