‘India Pundits argue that the Nuclear Plant is very safe, and nuclear missiles would not be stored there in the near future. That is utter nonsense. Even the UNP never aggressively opposed the SSCP or KKNP provided GOI agreed to the UNP favorite "Hanuman Bridege proposal touted by Milinda and Ranil. However they all balk at the idea of creating a nuclear free zone. The argument fails to hold water because if the nuclear plant is so safe then India can build the nuclear plant in Goa, Cochin, Ennore, Chennai Vizak and even Nagappatnam instead of in Tamil Eelam's backyard which is just a hop step and away.’
by Jayantha Gnanakone
(These are the personal views of the writer)
(July 21, Washington, Sri Lanka Guardian) India and Sri lanka negotiated the maritime borders which was part of the agreement where the Island of Kachaitheeivu was also discussed and resolved. It is nonsense for the honorable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, to make inappropriate statements, after 35 years and even in a immature manner, claim that Kachaitheevu was "gifted" to Sri Lanka.
In international law, and maritime boundary claims this could possibly be even time barred after 35 years, and India will definitely loose any claim if it opts for any international arbitration. They will never go to arbitration, war, or use RAW military force against a tiny and weak neighbor.
This is typical of Tamil Nadu politicians who may or may have been set up by the Federal or Central government and ministers to make such a provocative statement, basically fishing in trouble waters. Given the 30 year civil war and possible conflict resolution between the Tamils and the GOSL, India is somewhat in a State of panic.
This Island now technically belongs to the Tamils in the Island called Sri Lanka, geographically located South of India's maritime borders. I know CM Karunanidhi well from the 1983 -1987
politics, 1 million signature and other issues and have the highest respect for him. At the same time his political expediencies in a national and state elections year, and my loyalty to the Tamil issues and people places on different stages and moving in different directions. Tamils of Tamil Eelam still need the support, whether it is spiritually, culturally, materially or politically as one would like to put it, would be there always, but not at the price of compromising any principles or the rights of the future generation. There is no such thing as a "greater Eelam theory" as some Indian pundits fear, and some journalist try to create the increased "paranoia" or phobia among the Delhi Wallahs. This is more due to lack of communications and understanding.
The Island of Kachai Theevu, is very close to the boundaries of the Sethu Samudram Canal Project which has been stalled due to the Hindus protesting about the "Hanuman Temples" and Rama's temples/bridge being sacred and desecrated. The project was the biggest boast of the DMK government and shipping minister Baalu, which was environmentally a disaster to the Northern Tamil Province, and Tamil Eelam, and creates a source of imminent danger of monumental proportions. That is due to the largest Nuclear plant in India, which is situated 25-30 miles from Kachai Theevu and Jaffna.
The KKNP is also not only about a nuclear fuel, plant, and energy, but a nuclear accident, nuclear disaster. Indian submarine base, and weapons of mass destruction stored within 25 miles from heavily populated Tamil area, in Tamil Eelam in the 21st century. Although it will be situated safely within two secured land masses, if there is a war between India and Pakistan, or China this whole region becomes a high risk zone, because of India's HSZ located in and around the Tamil homelands homes from Universities, hospitals, and commercial districts from KKS to Jaffna. The peninsula will be the target of the wayward missile or what they say in Singhalese - Ahaka Yanne Missile.
Colombo or Delhi does not care a damn of potential civilian casualties because it is not their citizens, and it is not their people.
The SethuSamudram Canal Project which was falsely, and fraudulently touted with deliberate misrepresentation and misleading facts by DMK, and Delhi that it was saving distance, time and fuel for ship owners have now been proven that it was all FALSE. In fact it will cost more for ship owners to transit the canal, and there was no time saving, as publicly and privately articulated by me in 2004, in addition to the great damage to the environment, bio diversity, fishing, and other maritime interest. One of the few who finally understood the problem and issues was Sri Lanka's late foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar whom I knew, but did not discuss it personally due to the existing animosity of the Tamil issues. However, I had a close emissary whom he was familiar with and trusted enough to convince him to take appropriate minimal measures despite his President's objections, or lack of comprehension. She does not even comprehend on that subject of SSCP or KKNP even now, if any journalist try to interview her 4 years later.
The Sethusamudram was all about building, and storing nuclear weapons (WMD) as well as the future home for the India Submarine base in Ramanatha Puram district in the 21st Century.
India Pundits argue that the Nuclear Plant is very safe, and nuclear missiles would not be stored there in the near future. That is utter nonsense. Even the UNP never aggressively opposed the SSCP or KKNP provided GOI agreed to the UNP favorite "Hanuman Bridege proposal touted by Milinda and Ranil. However they all balk at the idea of creating a nuclear free zone. The argument fails to hold water because if the nuclear plant is so safe then India can build the nuclear plant in Goa, Cochin, Ennore, Chennai Vizak and even Nagappatnam instead of in Tamil Eelam's backyard which is just a hop step and away.
Now it is too late because India with the help of the Russians, have nearly completed the first stage in record speed. As for nuclear weapon politics, India and Pakistan, as well as Israel can have the nuclear bombs, but USA would go to war and risk young american lives, and the oil economy to a price level of 300 dollars a barrel, by threatening to go to war with Iran. Well, my children (18 and 20) are not going to war, to Iraq or Iran for the sake of Israel or oil politics is what I told a senior government official from the DOJ (Department of Justice) last year.
That is why most of USA, Canada, EU, there are not many nuclear plants because of the fear of Chernobyl or 3 Mile Island syndrome. Murphy's law would apply at the most unexpected moment. US refuses to build a nuclear fuel plant in 35 years despite the price of barrel of oil has gone from 2 dollars to $147 dollars today. Where is the logic in the Western world or more specifically Northern America, where the people are being slowly strangled to a fast economic death or suicide. Yes, folks the rate of death is faster than the deadly "Cyanide Capsule" Tamil freedom fighters wear around their brave chest and neck. No other liberation leaders or fighters have the moral courage to wear that and use it, as the 13 Tamil leaders committed suicide in the custody of the Indian IPKF, Rajiv Gandhi and Dixit were busy handing over to the racist Singhala minister of Defense and President, Lalith Athulathmudali and Jayawardene, in October 1987, which commenced the Indo Tamil war. Col. Hariharan was the intelligence chief of the IPKF in Jaffna I believe at that time. (subject to verification by the IPKF).
KoodanKulam is so backward most of the Tamil folks have no idea what the nuclear plant is, although they all might be aware of Union Carbide and Bhopal disaster. The victims of Bhopal are still suffering and still waiting for the compensation which remains unpaid by the Americans, a(Multi National Union Carbide) and there was collusion between them and the State and Federal officials. Exxon Valdez settlement of billions of dollars in Alaska
never has materialized for 20 years and how will Bhopal victims be compensated in a fair and just manner. Only the Washington attorneys made hudreds of millions of dollars during the 20 years. The victims of Katerina are still waiting for their homes to be rebuilt in Louisianna despite the fact that American Red Cross collected billions of dollars and they also used hundreds of millions of dollars collected for the tsunami victims. Most of the people who got cheated by the ARC were Tamils of teh North East. This is how the rich and powerful dispense with and disburse humanitarian aid in the modern world.
Bring into the equation of mineral sands which has suddenly become a important factor for India or the potential buyers (USA and japan) who do not want to talk about. New deposits all ended up in and around Kachai Theevu, after teh Tsunami, as well as Mullai Theevu, and Pulmoodai area North of Trincomalle Port. No scientific tests has been conducted deliberately.
Last but not the least comes the Oil deposits South of Kachai Theevu as well as in and around the Isand in the Gulf of Mannar where teh Singhalese are now calling in the Mannar basin deliberately confusing the Tamils of Tamil Eelam and the IC. Their Mannar basin
GOSL claims covers entire GOM, (Gulf Of Mannar), and Puttlam and Chilaw which is rather strange, and non sensical. The Singhalese should be able to keep the Oil if and when they find in Puttlam and Chilaw districts, Tamils keep the Tamil oil, Gas, and mineral sands in the Gulf on Mananr, and India keep their in the Cauvery basin, and the SethuSamudram region. Thanks to Pirabhakaran and the LTTE 20 years ago, the powerful Indian military might also doesn't frighten the Tamils any more. IPKF experience is a good lesson for India as well as the Tamils and any other super power on a David and Goliath scale.
So Kachai Theevu is not anymore a "Fishy issue", a "Fishy problem", or Fishing rights issue anymore as it was 35 years ago.
It has to do with the 200 mile economi zone or more likely the 3 mile or 10 mile maritime boundaries of two countries, India and Tamil Eelam, or Sri Lanka. That is why India prefers to deal with Sri Lanka, promising military aid and comemrcial aid to sustain and contain the Tamil liberation struggle and do not and will use all their power to prevent a separate soverign state emerging within 10 miles of their maritime border in the palk Straits or Palk bay.
Who is CM Karunanidhi, Shipping Minsiter Baalu, Finance Minsiter Chidambaram, (MP for Sivasakthi in the Ramanathapuram District), or Delhi kidding?
( Jayantha Gnanakone is a founder of the Tamils For Justice)
- Sri Lanka Guardian
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