Thursday, July 31, 2008

Maiden Post (Not Lamp Post) of Tamils For Justice.

Dear Friends and foes,

Welcome to the founder's blog spot of Tamils For Justice.

This has been created due to popular request and due to dire necessity as the difficulties experienced on our website recently.

This is also to assist us with receiving feedback and communicating with everybody, even with people who have different views and opinions.

I would appreciate that responses and views are dignified and respectable preferably in the content of the language.

Attached is the the first news related to the Tamils in North America, written by two ghost writers from Sri Lanka Guardian who are unknown to me. Jacintha Cruz is allegedly from Los Angeles, but I have never heard of, or seen, and even if she is in United States, she has refused to talk to me.

Sachi Sithathan is a gentleman supposed to be in Frankfurt. Nobody knows who he is or I have not yet known anyone who knows who he is, and that is the reason I refer him to be a "ghost writer", similar to the late "Taraki".

So welcome once again.

Donald Jayantha Gnanakone
Tamils For Justice.
310 404-4701.
Los Angeles.

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